A definition of Juvenile Scleroderma in simple, easy to understand language

Welcome to the Juvenile Scleroderma Network, Inc. (JSDN)
A support network helping children and their families with
juvenile scleroderma

The JSDN is a volunteer staff made up of volunteer parents, health professionals, and people interested in Juvenile Scleroderma.

Founded in 1999, the JSDN is the only national voluntary organization that works exclusively for children affected by Juvenile Scleroderma, and their families.  

Our mission is to provide emotional support and educational information to parents and their children living with juvenile scleroderma; to support pediatric research to identify the cause and the cure for juvenile scleroderma; to enhance the public's awareness of juvenile scleroderma and related diseases.

Together let's keep the milestones growing until there is a cure!

Coming Soon
Juvenile Scleroderma Research.
Help JSDN support juvenile scleroderma research, today!  
Because Kids Get Scleroderma, Too!!!

Breaking News As part of their pioneering research into the genetic and environmental risk factors that may result in an autoimmune disease, the National Institutes of Health is seeking research subjects from the JSD community. Click here to see how you and your family can help.

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Original design by
Metazai Productions
Updates and New Pages by
GBST Media Services


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